Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Perfect Swapportunity!

ClosetDash is hosting a clothing swap party
for Urban Lawn Party!
Come swap your clothes, shoes and bags for a good

11:00am-12:00pm - Priority Access Check Ins
12:00pm - Swap Area Opens!
Non- RSVP Check Ins accepted after 12:15pm
Each participant will receive
a ClosetDash gift bag full of goodies!
Raffles and Giveaways!
*Tickets are free but going fast. Register now!

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Clean Those Vents

Anyone who is fortunate enough not to have to rely on public transportation or overpriced shopping centers for that borrowed artificial cold blast of an air conditioner should check the vents before turning the a.c. on.

I had mine on for the past few days and while it did provide some much needed relief from the his heat, it wasn't giving me that really freezing breeze I was craving. After removing the front I finally realized why: DIRT! Lots and lots of dirt covering my vents.

Listen, our mom's always said it. Dirt is bad. It clogs your pores, it makes your clothes stink and it makes your air conditioner work harder for less during a heat wave. A quick cleaning and a lot of yucky gunk later I turned my a.c. back on and it was a whole a new world. The air, oh the sweet blissful cool air!

So before you blast yours on full, make sure the vents are clean!